1.Name of major subsidiary:Xiamen Youngtek Electronics Ltd.
2.Cause of occurrence (reduce the percentage of
shareholding (or capital contribution to) or lose control ):Lose control.
3.Method of shareholding (or capital contribution) reduction
(Please specify the date, reason, method, reduction percentage,
volume, unit price, and total amount each time):
(1)It is planned that the subsidiary company ”YTEC (Hong Kong) Global
Limited” will sell 100% of the equity of ”Xiamen Youngtek Electronics Ltd.
(2)Cash is used as the consideration, and the total transaction amount is 316 (Thousand USD)
4.Method of loss of control(Please specify the date, reason, and method):
Based on the development of the market in mainland China, combined with
appropriate cooperation partners, after formulating the transaction
conditions, they will be submitted to the audit committee for review
and submission to the board of directors for discussion and approval
on March 14, 2024. After the shares are delivered, control will be lost.
5.Equity (or capital) recipient or counterparty
(please list separately for each transaction):HARVATEK CORPORATION
6.Relationship with counterparty (Please specify
the relationship with counterparty each time):related party
7.Gains (or losses) on disposal (Please specify the
gains (or losses) on disposal each time.If there
is no gains (or losses), please fill in “NA”):The estimated disposal
benefit is NT$47,458 (Thousand NTD). The actual amount is determined based on
the total transaction amount determined on the delivery date, exchange
rate effects, tax payment and accountant's review.
8.Cumulative reduction of shareholding in major
subsidiaries so far (including the current transaction):100%
9.Shareholding in major subsidiaries at present (after
the current transaction):0%
10.Name of independent expert and his/her opinion on
reasonableness of pricing in each transaction: :This case has been issued
with an opinion on the reasonableness of prices by Mr. Zhu Jiancheng, a
certified public accountant at WeiTeng Accounting Firm, stating that the
transaction price is considered reasonable.
11.Name of independent expert and his/her opinion on
the impact of reduction of shareholding or loss of control
on the rights of the TPEx listed company's shareholders:
This case has been issued with an opinion on the impact of loss of control
on the equity interests of the OTC company shareholders by Mr. Zhu Jiancheng,
a certified public accountant at WeiTeng Accounting Firm, stating that this
disposal has no significant adverse impact on the equity of the Company's shareholders.
12.Any effect on the ongoing listing of the parent company on TPEx:No.
13.Date of audit committee resolution:2024/03/14
14.Details of audit committee resolution:Approval by the Audit Committee.
15.Date of board of directors resolution:2024/03/14
16.Details of board of directors resolution:Approval by the board of directors.
17.Any other matters that need to be specified:
The disposal gain in point 7 is calculated based on the auditor's verified
numbers as of December 31, 2023. Any differences due to exchange rate
conversion or other factors shall be based on subsequent auditor's verified
or reviewed financial reports.